Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rest Day, 5/24/11

A much needed respite from driving, we hiked around Bruneau Dunes
State Park today. We got too much sun and walked too far in terrain
ill-suited to Chacos, but we had a marvelous time. We saw a lot of
wildlife, mostly reptiles, but they more than thrilled us. Robert said
he was satisfied after seeing a snake outside the bathroom and a giant
lizard on the trail, but then came a horned lizard and more big
lizards and then a 3.5 foot snake near the end of our hike and then
more horned lizards and finally a mating pair of horned lizards! Add
climbing to the top of a giant sand dune to the mix and we are happy
campers. Dinner of lentils and veggie mix and rice PLUS chips and
salsa and sour cream PLUS pint-sized PBRs....mmm.

I will post pictures of the adventures soon, just need to upload them.
Next we drive to Washington and plan to camp near Mt. Ranier for a
night before unloading all our crap into a new storage unit.

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