Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11-3-10: If I Could Walk 5,000 Miles

Today Robert and I went to see the Klong Plu Waterfall, which is a
short taxi ride from where we are staying. First we went for breakfast
at the Thale Restaurant (J: rice soup, R: egg fried rice) and coffee
at the coffee joint just outside the main town. I'm not sure of the
name of the place as its sign has no letters, just a universal
picture. The coffee was excellent; I don't think we have had a poor
espresso since we got here, but it is doing nothing to help us ween
back a bit from near obsession. Who would have thunk it - Jenn
slurping lattes with wild abandon?!

We also wanted a croissant (pronounced by all save me with an
impeccable French accent) from the coffee place, but no dice today.
Instead, I ordered the baguette cooling on the counter, which was then
unceremoniously handed to me as is. Something in my face or the way I
brandished the loaf at Robert indicated to the shopkeeper that it was
not what I had intended to order. Smiling and gesturing helped get the
baguette warmed and served with a huge pat of butter. Perfection.

Next we tried to get a taxi, waving one down by presenting the back of
the hand low and towards the road, which according to Roberto is the
correct way to flag a taxi. I, however, have yet to see anyone else
flag a taxi as they aggressively and universally offer rides to anyone
standing near the road with a honk or three. We were quoted a price
higher than we thought fair, so we turned down the ride and opted to
walk back into town to see if we could get a better price. The same
taxi met us again down the road and stopped to offer a cheaper price.
Robert tried to talk him lower, but quickly realized we were quibbling
over 10 baht (30 cents) and accepted the ride. Prices were listed in
the bed of the taxi though, making us feel bad for pushing the man
lower. (marked prices are not usually haggled) Oops.

We got to Klong Prao, the city by the falls, without further incident
despite the driver's dubious driving skills - shifting half way up
steep hills, nearly stalling out and jolting backwards.

Curses. Terrible Internet made my pad eat the rest of my post. You
will just have to infer from pictures the rest of the story as I am
too irked to retype the entire thing again. Curses.

1 comment:

Michael said...

You are actually writing! Impressed. Something tells me your days will be much more interesting than mine ;). - Mike