Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day Twenty-Four: Business in Telluride

We awoke to the sound of cars and people. Lots of cars and lots of people. It was July 4th weekend and apparently other people knew about our free lakeside hideaway. We were worried that we would have tent neighbor up in our junk, but thankfully no one mounted our hill. (We parked the car on the road spur, next to the gazebo, then had our tent way on the other side of the hill, so the bears wouldn't eat us in the night, but it worked great as a people deterrent too!)

We slowly made coffee and showered again. This time I got the water, so I had to made two trips because I am a weakling, apparently, and I don't fill the bucket adequately, but I got zero floaters, so the water was just green, not green and dirty like Some people's water. We busted out Robert's hunting blind as a shower stall and it was amazing. We set it out in the sun and it got downright toasty inside. I especially enjoyed emerging from the blind and sitting next to our campfire in my towel to dry. I imagined our neighbors thought I was crazy, but I didn't mind.

We closed up camp and headed to town for more Internet, Robert needed to talk to the airlines about a ticket he bought and it was getting too crowded at our secluded lakeside resort. Telluride was similarly busy- we had to wait in line for the gondola and we didn't get a car to ourselves! It was terrible. :) We were half-starved when we got to town because neither of us wanted oatmeal for breakfast, so we only had coffee. (Robert has this single cup camping percolator that works like a champ. He takes the strong first cup with one sugar and a dash of cream. I run water through the grounds again for a weaker cup and add two and a half sugars and equal part cream. It's a perfect system.)

We headed for pizza. Tried the Butcher and the Baker, but it looked like a deli, not a pizzeria. Then we back-tracked to the Brown Dog Pizza Joint, which was hopping, so we knew they had good pizza. (In actuality, they had seven tvs playing the live world cup match between Spain and Paraguay, but the pizza was still good.) Rob had more pbr and I had a ska pinstripe for double the price, yummy! Then our pizza came. Robert wanted a large and large is what we got, with fresh mushrooms and bananna peppers, the best kind of pizza. Then we proceeded to eat the entire pizza. I enjoyed watching the soccer because the whole bar was into it and we caught just the end of the match. (and I don't know the rules so it makes everything a surprise, they got a goal, wow, now they are kicking it like this, wow, now they don't get a point even though they got a goal, wow!)

Next we headed off to take care of some business, Robert called the airline while I went bookstore grazing. Then we visited the Steaming Bean again for more coffee, internet and electricity. I think it got it's name because it is downright steamy inside. I had to keep walking outside because the beer then coffee then hot was making me sick. Robert's online errand turned into a major debacle because he didn't have an email he needed, then continental lost his flight information, then he couldn't find the charge on his credit card, then delta found his flight information and all was right in the world. :)

We went to Mountain Village to get groceries. They had a surprising selection and terrible prices. Notable on our shopping list were: ten apples (apple cobbler in the Dutch oven), sour cream, chips and salsa (it has become an addiction/cheap treat on store days), and twelve tasty left hand beers.

Home again home again to find more people invading our lake and stealing all of Robert's fishes. We fished a bit more and only had pbj for dinner since we were both stuffed still. Actually, it was peanut butter, banana and honey, tastified.

We were awakened about an hour after we fell asleep by a racket outside our tent. It seemed someone was trying to mount our hill because the voices were so loud. I was sent to investigate. Not on our hill, down by the lake. (I didn't have my eyes in, it was all I could gather. Why you would send blindy to do reconnaissance, Im not sure.)

In the morning we discovered the arrival of two rvs full of chitlins and drunk parents blaring rap music, right on the edge of the lake. Why their rvs didn't sink into the mud, I don't know. I was hopeful though.

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