Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day Twenty-Five: A Walkabout

Today was a lazy day. Robert fished and fished and caught lots of fishes. I went to the bathroom and never came back. (I decided to go for a walk that turned into a stroll that turned into a walkabout.) I went down a nearby trail, found the old mining town you drive past on your way up the mountain. Then I took the other public road the long way home. I took a few close pictures of a marmot (aka a whistling pig) because I whistled at it and it froze as I approached. For those that can't google, marmots are similar to over grown squirrels, about the size of a raccoon. They also stand at attention like ground hogs. I found two more Alta lakes, though arguably they were on private land because they weren't stocked with fish like public lakes and there were some ambiguous signs like, Private Land, No Trespassing, Keep Out, but I only found those as I was leaving the private land. Oops. I was gone for some time and I suppose I scared Robert because I didn't tell him that I was going anywhere expect the bathroom. Double oops. (but i had a lot of fun)

Then it proceeded to rain buckets on us. We sat in our gazebo, made a rain catcher and I think played more dominoes. This time I lost so as not to embarrass my man friend, whose domino skills are world renowned.

Early to bed because we were breaking camp to meet up with Brother David and company in Silverton for the Fourth.

We stayed one less day than the maximum allowed at Alta Lakes. We need to plan better...I want to overstay the limit at some point, at some campground, just for the fun of it.

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