Friday, August 26, 2011

Our new home

After a short time off, we are back in BloggerLand folks. Robert and I took possession of our new abode on 8/22/11 and we pitched our thermarests on the floor. That was fun the first night and the second, but it got old by night #3. After a pupusa feast near our storage unit, we moved out of our 10x15 space and temporarily into a 16' Budget truck. Took us all of two hours. Next we trucked our stuff into our new house. One hour. If we had been in TX, we would have died - we didn't take a single break and didn't drink any water until we were done. Not something you can get away with in 100+ weather, but here in springforsummer land, we did okay. 

We took a few days to figure out which way was up and now, NOW you get a tour.  

(PS if you are crazy enough to watch an 8min video tour of the house, one exists and will be posted shortly.)

The front of our house

A budding vegetable garden? We will see. That's a lot of shade, gents.

When you look into the front door, you find the stairs, a hallway and the living/dining area.

To the left, the living room.

Looking back at the front door, beautiful picture windows. (No window coverings, so make sure you are covered!)

Past the living room, here is the Formal Dining Area. We use it as an office.


Down the hallway, you come to the kitchen. Who posts blurry pictures? damn.

Kitchen. Robot. Robotic kitchen.

Boogeyman! (kitchen window, overlooks the porch)

The porch is past the kitchen and is great for lounging.

The only problem with the porch is the current proliferation of spiders and their icky-sticky webs. Michael, you would hate it here!

Under the porch, you find the Magic Door. Equipped with a knocker as if someone lives in the basement and would let you in. But they don't. This is external access to the basement and the source of leakage, so we are told, when the rain comes.

The previous tenants left behind multiple compost bins. Thanks! Full of revolting, untended food goo. Double thanks! (But. Their presence prevents us from paying $6.50 a month for yard waste service, which is required by the city UNLESS you have a compost bin.)

Robert crowned himself king of the porch.

Back in the house, there is interior basement access from the kitchen.

Robert has spent a good portion of his time over the past few days setting this system up. He had to rip out a plywood wall and relocate a wall of shelves and build a rack for the canoe to sit on. He enjoyed playing with his power tools and was very conscientious to use the shopvac to clean up his sawdust. Hearts.

Here is the view of the basement from the Magic Door. To the left is a walkway to get to the boats and the stairs.

From the Magic Door, look left and you find a strange room indeed. Finished - kind of. You can just see the iridescent slug trails on the carpet...yum!

Also, the room is about as tall as Robert. This is where Alice lives.

Back to the upstairs. We find more stairs - directly across from the front door.

Upstairs we find a bathroom.

Robert's pooping face.

Favorite features of the bathroom - window box area and the circular shower curtain rod (which in practice is quite annoying).


First room next to the bathroom - we are using it as a linen closet and extra bathroom storage.

Robert ate a bee. He is standing in front of the bathroom storage closet.

The next room in line from the bathroom is Robert's and mine.

Whose dresser is whose?

Closest and stuff that needs to find a home.

More pictures? UGH.

We have a cedar closet in the hallway.

It still has knob and tube wiring from 1906. How exciting!

Final room. End of the line. Ben's when he comes for it.

View from Ben's room down the hall into the bathroom.
That's the tour. Come visit!


Martha said...

I really like your new house. It has a lot of character and tons of storage. I think all of you will enjoy living there. I'm looking forward to seeing it in October.

Bern said...

The green "carpet" is sort of Astro turf. I like the house and neighborhood.

Mom said...

On your dresser, if you switch the yellow and blue drawers on the left side so that the blue is in the middle, it will all be more symetrical. Loved the video, but have to admit you did a great job with the stills.

Brigitte said...

You guys are heading to Seattle in October!! I am so jealous!

Bern said...

Re: wiring. Show me the smoke alarms, the many smoke alarms.