Monday, May 23, 2011

Driving Continues, Days 2 and 3

Our second day of driving was a marathon event with Robert as runner
and Jenn as principle cheerleader. We made it all the way to Grand
Junction, CO and listened exclusively to Eragon, hoping to finish it
before stopping. We did not, but we were grateful to be able to stop.
We supped on lentils, squash, brok, mush and rice. Our plan to make
meals ahead and add fresh veggies when we heat them up each night has
worked very well. A hot, homemade meal each night does wonders for the
soul while driving and eating cheetos all day.

Sleeping on public lands out by the airport, Robert and I both agree
it was the best night's sleep in quite some time. There is something
about the simplicity and independence of sleeping in a tent, waking to
sunrays just breaking over one mountain range to illuminate a facing
mountain range, that is wildly appealing.

We packed up quickly, located NPR news on the radio and a Starbucks on
the way to the highway. I take advantage of each clean bathroom to
scrub my face and hands in an attempt to feel clean, despite the sharp
odors emanating from my person, revealing the contrary. I think we
will shower in Boise, ID; we bought fancy 3 in 1 Pert Plus in
preparation! (shampoo, conditioner AND soap...crazy!)

Our third day of driving started with me at the helm. We chased
thunderstorms most of the morning, but the worst of the rain remained
over the mountains, sparing our windshield. We have begun an
undeclared, but hotly pursued, battle over gas mileage. It makes
burning through tanks of gas and hours of driving more amusing. My
first turn at the helm resulted in the abysmal rate of 7.29 miles per
gallon, but my last tank of driving was much improved, 9.10 mpg. If
I'm not winning yet, I'm definitely the most improved!!

We traded off more regularly as we crossed through Utah. Driving is
getting much easier and time slips past freely. We finished Eragon,
listened to music for a while, tried out Atwood's A Handmaid's Tale
(too strange), settled briefly onto Kerouac's On The Road (too little
plot development), and have settled on the second book in the Dragon
Girl trilogy by Larsson.

Now Robert is driving and I feel a list is in order.

Sustenance While Driving
Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos
Wasa Crackers
Chocolate Covered Peanuts
Giant Tootsie Roll
Reduced Sodium Sunflower Seeds
Nutty Buddy Bars (ration of one stick per person per day)
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on potato bread
Dry Roasted Peanuts
Tabouli salad with half cucumber, half bell pepper and two 'maters
Yogurt and bran flakes and various fruits
Green curry (veggie mix: squash, mush, brok) and rice
Lentil soup and above veggie mix


Maggie said...

What is a brok?! Love hearing about your travels again! Hugs to you both!

Maggie said...

Oh, duh, probably broccoli, huh? I'm slow today...