Friday, February 4, 2011

02-02-11: Seattle Public Library 1 of 4

If you know me, you know that I can and frequently do get lost in libraries for hours at a time -- on purpose. Ever since I first saw the Seattle Central Library, I have loved it from afar. Today I went to visit it for the first time and surprisingly, the inside is even cooler than the outside! I took a few pictures with Robert's iPhone because I had to share the experience; however, the quality is sometimes not so great, so take them for what they are. Here is the outside:
The inside is just a normal library, kinda. The whole building is 11 stories tall, so there is a lot of room for books and other library amenitities, like meeting rooms. In fact, the whole third floor is meeting rooms and for some reason they it, "Red Hall." It surprised the heck out of me when I stumbled across it.

The red staircase brings you to another section of completely normal library, computer consoles and job search services. If you want to keep exploring, you have to find the giant lime green escalators to go to the next floor.

There are actually *two* giant lime green escalators, in series. Standing on the landing between the two is kind of trippy because you can look both up and down a giant lime green escalator (GLGE), with only a turn of the head. Here is a shot looking up the second GLGE.

1 comment:

Jenn's conscience said...

Wonderful,wonderful group of pictures! I have only seen the library in passing but now I really want to get inside it. But, stop fooling around with your camera and making these wonderful pictures. Respond to your father's e-mails.