Monday, January 24, 2011

Cambodia and Blogger/Blogspot

Robert has been having trouble opening up the blog of late. It started when he got to Cambodia and has continued through his time there. It is annoying because he can't look at posts that I post or confirm that his pictures loaded correctly, etc. I did a little googling and found out that Cambodia may or may not be blocking the blogging website we use. Apparently there is another blog (KI Media) on the same service we use (Blogger/Blogspot) that is overtly and sensationally against the Cambodian government. I found an English-speaking blogger on Blogger/Blogspot that describes what he knows about the problems with accessing Blogger/Blogspot from Cambodia. His blog is called LTO Cambodia and I copied links to the two relevant posts below.

Wed, Jan 19, 2011: Cambodia blocks blogspot

Fri, Jan 21, 2011: The curious case of the banning that wasn't

I had to send these articles to Robert using copy & paste, since a either the "Ministry of Interior has requested all ISP providers in Cambodia to block all of blogspot" or a "technical glitch" is preventing Blogger/Blogspot from opening. Either way, he can't access the blog.

If you prefer reading news from an official news source, here is a link to the article carried by the Phnom Penh Post regarding problems accessing Blogger/Blogspot.

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