Friday, January 21, 2011

1-21-11: Adventures in Public Transport - Jenn

Today I had one goal for myself - meet Ben in lab at 5:30. (I invented other goals for myself like going for a run in the rain, visiting the public library, and making split pea soup, but they were secondary.) Ben rides his bike to campus, which is great for him, but I took the bus. I used the King Country Metro website to "Plan My Trip," decided I needed bus number 43, located the intersection where it picked up, and when it would be there. I was approaching the corner with not a moment to spare when I saw the bus pass me. I hustled around the corner to meet the bus, jumping on and scanning Ben's prepaid card just in the nick of time. Winner! Then the bus proceeded to turn and drive in the exact wrong direction. I kept hoping the bus would turn around, but it never did. I ended up at Pike's Place Market, very far from the UW, where the driver called last stop and I finally looked towards the back of the bus, which was completely empty!! Hmm. I told the driver I was trying to get to the UW and he said, okay - he would take me there. Oh thank you! I really appreciate it. That's so great of you! ...a few stop signs later...He says, "It will take 45 min to an hour." (I very slowly realized that he wasn't going out of his way, he just meant that if I stayed on the bus and rode it in a giant circle, he would eventually drop me at the UW. I had caught the bus on the wrong side of the street.) But, alas, I made it to the correct building, realized I hadn't made note of which floor Ben's lab was on, and thus proceeded to ride the elevator to the 3rd, 2nd, 4th and fifth floors before bumping into a fellow applicant and her boyfriend, who directed me to Ben's lab. Goal accomplished.

Ben's lab was having a Wine Tasting shin-dig. I enjoyed watching his lab hang out, drink wine, eat cheese and form strong opinions about Ben's contribution - liverwurst! "Mushy bologna," "which animal's liver is this from?" "it tastes -- strong." I was just happy to have contributed some brie and cracked pepper, so I could indulge my cheese obsession without eating the entire brick myself.

Then came the next adventure in public transport - getting home. Ben looked up a bus for me this time and sent me scurrying to 15th and Campus Pkwy to catch a bus 7 min later. I hoofed and jay-walked my way there, but all the bus stops on that part of 15th are closed due to construction -- thanks for telling us that the "Plan My Trip" website! I had no idea where the bus would be going past that one stop, so I planted myself in the middle of the street to flag it down SEA-style. I saw the bus, waved like crazy, and still the bus passed me by without so much as a honk! How rude. If I had been in SEA, the bus would have honked and picked me up in nothing flat. Formal bus stops are a terrible idea!! If I missed the bus I didn't know what I would do, so I chased it. It squeaked through one light, but got stopped at the next. Salvation. The cross-traffic lights were against me, but I jay-walked through traffic again and managed to catch the bus while it was still stuck at the light. It wasn't in the right-most lane, but that too was little deterrent for me. I got to the bus doors and knocked sharply. Thankfully - I was allowed to enter. After the bus pulled through the intersection, it  immediately stopped to pick up a giant load of people who apparently got a memo that I missed. I shed all my coats and scarf because I was sweating through them vigorously. The final hurdle came when I realized the bus was going into a part of town that I didn't recognize. How would I know where to get off?! Robert's iPhone saved the day, it located me on a map and I could use it to find when I got close to Ben's apartment.

Navigating SEA was easier!! At least the buses would pick you up and drop you off wherever you so desired.

BTW - The run was wet, but survivable; the library was gorgeous and full of books, and the split pea soup came out wonderfully.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Oh what a grand story you can tell!