Sunday, December 19, 2010


We are in Luang Prabang, Laos. Expect updates soon, but this one is
too good to wait it's turn. I have been invited to two grad program
interviews: Oregon Health and Science University in Portland and the
Neurobiology and Behavior Program at the University of Washington in
Seattle. :-D

No news is bad news in this case as programs will only tell you months
from now if you aren't invited to interview, so hopefully I will hear
from other places as well. I'll keep you posted and the blog will be
caught up soon.


The Magwhidds said...

We are excited for you. Explain logistics of getting to interviews via email. Do you need interview suit under the Xmas tree?

Anonymous said...

I am confused. I thought this was old news. Great news and certainly worth hearing again. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Temp here is 3 degrees and snow is falling. I'm pretty sure it's not cold in Laos. Stop your whining. Go to your hammock.