Monday, November 22, 2010

11-20-10: Resting in Sukhothai

Today we spent the day hanging out in Sukhothai, recovering from a
long hot day at the festival yesterday. We didn't feel up for going
to the festival three days in a row; Sunday is the finale, so we will
rest today and go tomorrow with a vengeance. We considered renting a
motorbike and going to the nearby waterfall that we didn't have time
for on our last trip out to the National Park, but it also sounded
like a lot of work, so we opted to recover.

We started our day by getting rice soup from a place we have been to a
few times now. The best thing we have had is their tom yum soup, which
is deliciously spicy. Their rice soup, on the other hand, not so
great. Basically, they boil rice in water until it turns to mush and
serve that. Part of this is maybe our poor understanding of the dish.
I think it is supposed to be a bland and simple soup for when your
palate is just awakening in the morning. My palate, however, is
always ready for spice, so maybe I need to stop getting it. Also,
Robert thinks I confuse them by ordering it without meat and
explaining I'm a vegetarian because the broth inevitably has a strong
meat flavor, certainly not vegetarian. So. Two strikes against rice
soup, but it is still tasty when i can eat it full of veggies and
spice, so I will remember it for my own cooking.

Next we got tasty drinks from Salotto coffee shop, and also had an a/c
place to sit for a while and a loo to use whenever we so desired. The
little things.

We had mid-morning lunch at Guido's place in the night market because
we knew it would be tasty and it was. We picked up a beer from
Robert's favorite little shop that basically has to chip the beers out
of the ice at the bottom of their freezer if you buy one, as we do
often. They also are cheap because they don't typically sell to
tourists. Thankfully, we know enough Thai to order: bia = beer, Chang
= best cheap beer brand, yai= big. Done and kawp kuhn ka (thank you).

Next we walked to a new part of town in search of Sukhothai noodles.
Our tourist map highly suggested them and we haven't had them yet. I
tried to order them once, but I misread the menu and ended up with
noodle soup, nothing special. The problem with our map is that it is
translated into enlgish and the world outside is not. How do we find
Mae Klang Krung Restaurant if everything is written in Thai script? We
got close and just went somewhere that looked good. The place we chose
was crawling with people, but on a second look, they were all Asian
tourists. Sukhothai noodles was on the menu though, so we got
that...noodle soup, nothing special. That's right - we have been
eating sukhothai noodles the whole time and better renditions of it to
boot! Long trip for nothing, but it was fun as an adventure.

We rewarded ourselves for our trek with a Thai massage at the same
place where we got foot massages the other day. It was wonderful.
Apparently, the first massage place we tried just wasn't that great.
Here they actually turned off the tv and turn on light music for
ambience. And I didn't have to ask for them to massage harder -
sometimes I had to grit my teeth to prevent from crying out. I kept
looking over at Robert though; he was still sore from our mountain
climbing excursion and I imagined this to be extremely painful for
him. He said it was, but every time I opened my eyes to check on him,
I just saw a placid cow face -like the ones on the airplane emergency
cards. When it was done, i felt like jelly.

I think we got coffee somewhere and then dinner. We tried the night
market, but it was pretty empty and the donut lady was gone!!! Sad
day. No more donuts. Ever. Nothing memorable about dinner.

We sacrificed two ambien from our dwindling jet lag stash so we could
go to sleep at eight and get up for the sunrise at 5am. Sweet dreams.

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