Thursday, October 28, 2010

10-28-10: Marathon Travel

Right now, Robert and I are sitting in the airport in Singapore waiting for our connecting flight to Bangkok, which leaves in four hours. It has been a marathon day of traveling. We have survived three legs of travel so far: IAH to Atlanta - two hrs, Atlanta to Tokyo - 14 hrs, and Tokyo to Singapore - 7 hrs. The flight to Bangkok should thankfully be only 3 hrs. We are unsure about what to expect once in Bangkok because there is some flooding in the area. We shall see.

Amusing tid-bits from the day:

Written on our Singapore Disembarkation Form: "WARNING DEATH FOR DRUG TRAFFICKERS UNDER SINGAPORE LAW." I'm glad that I bothered getting my name corrected on my sleeping pills prescription lest they think I was trafficking them!

Robert got stopped at a security check point in Tokyo and the woman searched him and his bag. Before searching his bag, though, she asked, "is this your name?" (pointing at the name tag on his bag, which read "Over") Not sure if she was joking or not.

Location:T1 Arrival Crescent,Singapore,Singapore

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