Monday, August 2, 2010

7/31-8/1: Selway River

Ok. This needs to be quick post for my sanity's sake. Everytime we have internet, all I do is write and write...I want to find out what is going on in the world!

The past two days have been spent laying on a sandy beach of the Selway River. The scenery rivals anything we have seen so far. Who would have thought it could be this wonderful in Idaho?!

The water is also plenty warm to swim in and that has been fantabulous. We even body surfed our way down stream a bit. We are camped on the beach above Selway Falls, so we had to be a little careful, but we managed to eddy out before we got too close for comfort. Seeing this much moving water has definitely made us interested in doing some paddling on our own. The Selway goes through about sixty miles of wilderness and they only allow one float party per day so you don't see anyone else! (that also means that it took the one group we spoke to about five years of playing the permit lottery to get a trip!)

Our first night was spent at a pay site, the second, we camped right on the beach. We only had slight troubles setting up the big tent because it was HAILING on us. Crazy big half inch? hailstones. Dinner the second night was Alfredo ( not brown gravy) noodles with tomato and brok.

That is all you get for now. Just imagine two happy people surface diving into a deserted clear river and floating downstream with giant grins on their faces. That's what we have been up to.

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