Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Explanation

For those of you that I haven't spoken to in a while, here's the scoop. I recently finished my first and last year as a seventh grade science teacher at KIPP Austin College Prep in Austin. I have moved out of my Austin apartment and all of my worldly possessions are currently back in The Woodlands. From these possessions I am trying to select a very small subset that will support me on a cross-US camping adventure, which starts...tomorrow! Rob (boyfriend) and I will set out tomorrow morning for Bonnaroo, a music festival in Manchester, TN. After four days camping and listening to great music with 90,000 of our closest friends, we will visit the Smoky Mountains and then head west to Durango, CO to visit Rob's brother. After that, our itinerary is purposefully wide open. That's the short story.

You might also be interested to know that the only bits of technology I will be taking are my brand new iPad and my camera. This does present some challenges: no, I don't have a phone. I am working on the best system of communication, so please be patient with me. I will be on Facebook chat and google chat fairly regularly, also email will never fail you. Aside from that, I'm working on it.

Ok. It's time to continue the crazy amount of packing there is still left to do. First on the list is to get a bike rack lock so our lovely Surlys don't get stolen.

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