Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pensacola Beach

Robert and I met up with fams in Pensacola Beach, FL for a whirlwind beach adventure. Thanks B and M for making it happen!


Papabear takes evasive action against the evil burning orb

Catching some shade on a beautiful beach

Note: These gentlemen are not posing. They always look this goobery.

Uncle R curries favor with FiFi-zilla by making her a continuous stream of sandcastles perfect for SMASHING.

Look at that tank! D is looking out for his bro's fashion needs: the tanning of his shoulders.

T-paine tosses the disc with his beer

Fish kish

T-paine surfs to shore: Imagine how cool these next three images would be if I could figure out how to combine them into one image - boom, boom, boom. 

Lookin' so sense-you-was

made in the shade

BBmac found the beach!

Bebe R enjoys napping in the cool shade

Sister likes the shade, but... decidedly NOT happy with ear kisses
Gorilla arm is necessary for proper use of the camera remote 
Uncle R makes the best rasperberry toasts and we are rewarded with this beautiful FiFi gaze.
Sorry for the soft focus - Bebe R is just too happy in this shot to ignore it

Backwashing doesn't seem like it should cause this much joy, but alas - the mysteries of a toddler

R demonstrates his preferred carrying method 

Making eyes

Shiny selfies are my favorite

Pensive planning of his next mission 

FiFi is a ferocious pilot and fastidious cleaner

B instructs T-paine, mid-flight

FiFi took our picture!

If I had been a moment sooner or later, this image would show FiFi and Uncle T sweetly walking hand-in-hand, momentarily flaunting the no-walking in parking lots rule. 


How many sand anchor and parachute cord does it take to get the entire family down on the beach?

Wizard! I finally caught an elusive BB-grin on camera.

Family photo prep

Black.White, Black.White, White.Black

One up, one down. It's the thought that counts
Caveman TV at its best


Not a bad wave in my book

Look at my shells!

Prepare to receive!

Bebe R is drawn into a world of debauchery

Practicing the ever-useful: One-handed, FoodShove

all gone

Trapped inside Fort Pickens

FiFi bravely explored spaces only large enough for her
Take home message from the trip: parenting is hard. (but it has a few perks)

Three men and a baby

Bye bye boys

What a good trip!